A Lot Like Love
Thursday, March 26, 2009 @ Thursday, March 26, 2009

I have been so happy being with you all this years and i can tell you so many stories i kept from my heart about you. I hope we could always be together no matter what happen. Im sorry if i hurt your feelings. Never my intention to break your heart. From the bottom of my heart, i love you and only you i will always remember because no other person have make me happy and realize the meaning of love. Thanks a lot baby! Hope you like the present i gave you, muacks!
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Tuesday, March 24, 2009 @ Tuesday, March 24, 2009
I searched for layout but i couldnt find the pretty ones so i just go ahead with this layout. Hopefully this will be fine then. I wont be updating so much since i busy with work and hanging out with out with friends but i will try try to update as much as i can even im lazy. Left another 2 weeks and school will resume as per normal, as for me i have to go for attachment. I have no idea what we have to do.Guess what i suddenly miss all my tarian friends, primary, secondary and ITE classmate. Time flies so fast and i wondering what they are doing now, some of them still couldnt recognize me :( . I can still remember those memories we shared, its funny. If i happen to hang out with them, it will surely be fun talking non-stop!Im in the library all alone, no sam today because he having fever. I felt so boring nowadays and im looking forward to meet watee again for another outing. Ily babe! End of this month im going to cut and rebonding my hair. I also wanted to buy handphone which i have to wait mummy settle the starhub cable bill. I hope i could buy all these, please no delay!
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