REST IN PEACE, grandpa.
He left us on 1st of April at 12 midnight. Grandpa, im sorry if i have hurt your feelings and i hope you felt peace in heaven. Even though you left all of us, we always pray and remember you no matter what. May Allah forgive all your mistake that you have done while you still alive.
When i sat beside you, i remembered how you treated me when we were still young. You always bought us yakult drinks and chocolates without failed. You will always have your handkerchief that smells your oil, sweets for your cough and everyday asked all of us to button up your clothes when you wanted to wear shirt. Even you not with us now, i can still smell and felt as if you were there to visit us. I hope you still smilling just like you used to. :'(
Al- Fatihah
Atok, syasya sayang atok.
Maafkan syasya tok,
Halalkan makan minum syasya ehk tok?
My cousin from Malaysia have a baby, her name is so long and i only called her SARAH. She looks like chinese and she never cried even a stranger holds her. She only smile and talking which i have no idea what she talking about.
She is so adorable and chubby, one day i will have baby too right sayang? Nur Aleesya Ashandy or Mohd Azri Ashandy? Hahaha! :DGUESS WHAT!!!
I cut my hair, so short until shoulder length. I know it still long but i kept that hair for so long until it can cover my breast! Nevermind i can just wait until it grow again. :)
I guess i end here then.