*my bro is not retarded, this is just a fun shot... Hahaha!*Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To Yom
Happy Birthday To You...
May God bless you with joy and laughter.
I hope you succeed in whatever you do.
Sorry No Present
posting in public is okay isnt it?
HAPPY MONTHSARY SEN & WATEE!Hope you both will be happy together and cherish every moment you both had okay?
May your relationship last long :) .
Double date with sen and watee today!
I really enjoyed the day with them and at last we meet again babe! Had our dinner together at KFC then suppose to lepaking at the singapore flyer but sen decided to watch TRANSFORMER2.

The movie ends around 12.30 midnight, really fun!
10 points for this show babe!
Done with the movie, sen and watee decided to drink together, i have no idea why also.
Off to woodlands by cab.
Sen and watee thanks for your treat, next tyme it will be our turns!
Wait wait wait...
After they dropped us off at woodlands, both of us chilled awhile under the void deck.
Very cooling at night!

Baby, i love you!
Sorry the picture is not that clear but i love this picture!
He look hot with those muscle and that gundu face i really feel like punching!
Just wait for our day baby...