John Abraham, i looooove yoouu.
You are way too hot hunney,
i kept on watching all your pictures and movie without stop!
One of them is DOSTANA!
Well, i wanted to blog about them ever since school reopen.
Because they went to CANADA whereas
SITI AISYAH BINTE MOHAMMAD NOH,rotting herself at singapore.:(I am so excited when they talked about it; they went to ice hockey game, the school and many more. What's more its snowy, yes it is! I look at their pictures and i wish i could be there. Its okay, i hope december i have the chance to go there too.
*pray hard :)
The truth is i dont have any idea what to blog about....Hahaha!I got USA for oversea trip but i rejected because i have no accompany.
Stupid right?
I know.
Sam have been doing his attachment for a week and he complain about it. Well ive been in his shoe before so i just advise him and hope that he did this because of his grades.
Its hard to meet him actually, and i ended school late. We can only meet on FRIDAY, which both of us totally free. He also have Wednesday off too but i ended school really late.

My brother booked out Friday evening, and he went home looking like this!
Nothing much different about him actually, just that his skin tone is beginning to be dark.
"Abang-ku serve the country doh...Abang abang police ke pe..."I cant wait to go to school tomorrow because the topic is getting more interesting!
I also got crazy people in class too :D At least i wont felt rot again.
Better than Nothing!

*Soooo weird, since when i loves to go to school?
*kening naik
I hate when i have period, cramp dier masya'allah...