I have been working out everyday because i want to have sexy and hot abs like above artist here! Anyone would feel so confidence if they feels so good about themselves isnt it? Well, i think having abs will be great for me. I admire and really salute to those people who have hot body, especially ladies from VS, Nicole Scherzinger, Cameron Diaz etc etc etc! Seriousshit, have anyone wanted to be just like them or maybe part of them? Haha!
I really cant wait to see myself having abs! Sam have been working out and giving me all his support so that i can have what i wanted! He will accompany me when i wanted to exercise, not only that i also asked daddy to tag along! Mummy and Lil' sis, can totally forget about it! They are just too lazy... :P Sometimes, i felt so funny! Leading to a healthy lifestyle yet still eat anything what i wanted and smoke...
Still looking for job, well i have one actually! Fanz told me her workplace need of staff, as a photographer at the zoo! Haha! Im happy because i get to see my darling giraffes there but what worried me most that i might just get bored over it. Thought of trying F&B but seriously, i will give up as soon as i stepped into that shop! Gonna just tried something different here so i wont be fussy! Fanz, you gonna help me with it! Yo remy, when are we going for interview together?
♥Mr Sam Ashandy...
Ohh baby, i just cant wait for another great outing with you!
*Friday, outing with ITE peeps! :D