Suddenly, i miss him like mad! :D
Thursday, class started at 1300hrs but i didnt attend school because of this gundu!
Yup, i went to school with him but all of sudden while waiting for 168...
Sam: Bi, i malas nak gi skola.
Me: Abeh nak pegi mane?
Sam: Tengok wayang ke, lepak?
Me: Ehk gile, i takot je i ke debar!
Sam: *big eye. Bus dah datang nie, nak ke tak?
Me: Sembarang la, i follow you je.
Sam: Kite naik 161 uhk dekat bus stop luar. CONCENSSION babe!
Me: What the hell.
Took bus 161, and we went to Punggol first followed by Compass Point.
Both malls, mendaaaak per?
Bought cookies at Subway and off to Woodlands and watched Toothfairy!
Bought some munch munch at Pasar Malam and off to our place.
Reached home, i GAME OVER!
Friday, last minute meet wan and zack at Sengkang.
Chilled with them and took car to fetch sam at Yishun about 12mid to hang out.
Next meeting sheesha per?

Today, slack habis.
Family day out without Daddy?
Banquet, banquet, banquet!Biler nak masak mummy?
Library meet busu and hang out at her place.
The end.

Still survive!