(More pictures on FB)
Friday, meet the girls at Woodlands Civic!
I had fun eventhough some of them didnt turned up or i dont have their contact numbers.
Anyone who read this from woodlands primary please add me through FB!
27 Feb, we having BBQ at Pasir Ris since East Coast is packed except at the blk G.
Wednesday and Friday, to the club?
Maybe or maybe not.
Back to the topic, Woodlands to Yishun Safra and back to Woodlands!
Meet the guys at Al-Ameen and we had fun!
I reached home around 1am and went out again.
Should have go to the club, lina! :P
Everyone have changed a lot, way way different!
Hopefully not worse.
Saturday, meet them again at Al-Ameen to discuss about the BBQ thingy.
I cant wait but at the same time i dont know if im free actually.
Back home late again.
Let see, today wont be going out?

At last i got to meet him today but wasnt spending time with him that much.
Yes, i am fucking angry and sad!
Because i have to wait till Wednesday to meet him!
I miss him so badly, even message or call doesnt work at all.
Frankly, we only message or call when we planning to go out what time or just a simple message that is "What you doing?". Thats how me and sam but when we meet we have a lot a lot of things to say.
Sometimes, i think we going to go on our ways soon.
Nevermind, if we meant to be then we meant to be.
I just hope for the best and prepare to face it.
Ya allah, kenape dengan aku!
Abdullah Bin Marzuki, can you feel my sadness?

Megan oh Megan!
I wanted to be so Hot just like you, maybe doesnt suit me?
Even my giraffe name after you!
I dont care if you look ugly or what but i like you!
Love love love!
Serioushit, i need some cash!
I havent pay the chalet thingy and the BBQ.
I need new contact lens, its fucking irritating!
I wanted to do extension, feeling feeling rambot macam megan!
Duit duit duit!